Department of Biology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Realfagbygget, Høgskoleringen 5, 7034 Trondheim
Area of Expertise:
- Systems Biology
My name is Sara, and I am a master student in Biotechnology at NTNU with specialization in systems biology. Through my studies I have gained some experience in both experimental and computational lab work. For my masters I am building and testing a logical model representing Inflammatory Bowel Disease epithelial cells.
My Project:
- Construct a logical model representing Inflammatory Bowel Disease epithelial cells from an existing psoriatic keratinocyte model and existing literature.
- See if the model can help to understand pathway regulatory/mechanistic differences between Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis.
- Testing the model to see if an epithelial IBD logical model can be used to identify ligand and ligand combinations that can emulate the IBD phenotype observed in patient material.
- See if intercellular interactions between epithelial cells and macrophages can be incorporated to correctly describe multiscale regulatory dynamics underlying gut homeostasis.
Martin Kuiper – IBI, Torunn Bruland – IKOM, Atle van Beelen Granlund, IKOM, Eirini Tsirvouli, IBI
Contribution to the Different Sub-projects
Role in the Sub-project(s):
Working on Inflammation-based diseases
Contributed Since:
14/02/2022, thesis submission: 15/05/2023