- Systems Biology
- Cell and Molecular Biology
- Logical Modelling
- Programming in python and Java
I am a master’s student in biotechnology with a specialization in systems biology. My interests are mainly in the field of combining biology and computation. So far in my academic journey, I have built skills mainly in molecular cell biology, general programming, and biology-specific computer tools.
My Project:
Title: Construction of a T-ALL specific logical model that allows the study of cPLA2-dependent mechanisms of apoptosis.
The main objective of this project is to create an executable Boolean model for T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) to identify the important regulatory mechanisms and pathways responding to cPLA2 inhibitor, and to identify possible additional targets that can be used for synergistic drug treatments. Starting from preliminary acute myeloid leukemia (AML) models (Sun et al., internal; PMID: 36509894), key mutations, regulatory pathways, and drug targets/important apoptotic response nodes will be added to produce a T-ALL specific model. In order to determine the model’s effectiveness, it should adequately represent published data on biomarkers obtained in T-ALL analyses (e.g. patient data) and relevant cell-line data. Specifically, the model should be able to predict transcriptomics data from CCRF-CEM cells treated with possible T-ALL drugs. After the model quality has been sufficiently verified, it will be used to identify other possible drug targets and screen for possible drug synergies, with FDA approved drugs that have targets in the model in combination with cPLA2 inhibitors. Finally, the model can also be used to make patient-specific models which could predict how a drug affects different patients, using patient-derived transcriptome data.
Martin Kuiper – IBI, Berit Johansen – IBI, Felicity Ashcroft – IBI, Eirini Tsirvouli – IBI.
External collaborator: Denis Thieffry