Eirini Tsirvouli

NTNU profile: https://www.ntnu.edu/employees/eirini.tsirvouli
Twitter: @eirini_tsi
LinkenIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eirini-tsirvouli-a393229b
- Logical modeling
- Omics data analysis
I am a PhD student in DrugLogics since August 2019, still finishing my PhD but since April 2022 working as a Researcher in the ONCOLOGICS project. I have been involved in various DrugLogics projects since 2017 as a MSc student. My work focuses on several aspects of logical modeling, data analysis and their combination, and it covers several biological systems, from gastrointestinal cancers to inflammatory diseases, such as psoriasis.
Specifically, I have been looking at:
– how dry- and wet-lab efforts can be combined to develop a logical model of psoriatic keratinocytes that describes cellular responses to stimuli and treatments.
– How can we move from single cell types models to logical models describing intercellular communication and population dynamics in psoriasis.
– How cell line multi-omics data can be analyzed and integrated to characterize drug synergies and validating logical models.
– How can data analysis and logical modeling be combined into a middle-out approach for refining logical models.
Previous education and experience:
– MSc in Biotechnology, NTNU, Norway.
Thesis title: Signaling Pathway Modules: network organization elements for understanding cancer and designing therapies.
– 5-years’ BSc in Agricultural Biotechnology, Agricultural University of Athens, Greece.
Thesis title: Isolation and characterization of bacteriophages as potential candidates of Phage Therapy in aquaculture.
– Research intern in Marine Biotechnology lab, Agricultural University of Athens.
– Research intern in Nanobiotechnology and Biomemetics lab, National Helenic Research foundation.