Amar Khatri

- Systems Biology
- Bioinformatics for precision medicine
- Chronic inflammatory diseases
- Logical Modelling
- Computational biology
I am a master student in Biology at NTNU, specialising in cell and molecular biology, but with a particular interest in computational biology to better understand molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis. Throughout my academic journey as an undergraduate in Biotechnology at Kathmandu University, Nepal, and graduate studies at NTNU, I have built a strong foundation in molecular biology and bioinformatics. For my master’s thesis, I am building and testing a logical model representing Basal Cell Carcinoma.
My Project:
Title: Optimization and implementation of an existing logical model of Basal Cell Carcinoma for guiding and analyzing experimental data.
Biological question: Can an optimized BCC logical model be used for the analysis and prediction of the effects of cPLA2 inhibitors and other drugs in cell line studies?
An existing logical model representing BCC will be further enhanced with respect to major regulatory pathways and the cPLA2 module, to better-fit model predictions with experimental results. An inventory will be made available with published data on relevant cell line work and BCC patients, and relevant BCC-related pathways and dysregulations will be assessed again to enhance the BCC model produced in a previous master study. The validated model will be used to predict the effects of cPLA2 inhibitors and other drugs in search of synergistic combinations.
Martin Kuiper – IBI, Berit Johansen – IBI, Eirini Tsirvouli – IBI, Felicity Ashcroft – IBI